Today we’re going to learn how to make a sentence like: – “To go to <place> to do <something> For “in order to do something”, we use the word ため And if you want to say you will do something in order to do something we say:

<plain verb> ため(に)・・・ =  . . . (in order) to <verb>

E.G. Let’s see how to say: “I exercise everyday in order to lose weight”

  • “In order to lose weight” = “lose weight” + ために
  • To lose weight = せる
  • In order to lose weight = せるために

So the full sentence:

 I exercise everyday in order to lose weight.

Another example:


I bought a Kindle to read book.

You can also use this construction with nouns:

<Noun> + の + ために I do . . . For <noun>


On Valentine’s Day, I made a cake for my boyfriend.

Now when we’re talking about going somewhere to do something, you could say:
~ために、(somewhere に) いく
for “I’ll go (to somewhere) in order to ~

But . . . We have a special form just to say “I’m going to somewhere to do something”. For example:


I’m going to the library to borrow a book.

Let’s break this down.
So, first,

You always say <somewhere> に when you go to the place.



ほん means “book/books”
And this “り” comes from the verb “りる” which means to borrow.

く = “to go to”

So “to go to borrow a book”
= りに

And the construction is basically:

<Somewhere> に verb に

But the verb has to be in the “masu-form” stem.
You conjugate the verb preceding like you would for the masu-form.

So for りる you get rid of the る and put ます – except for this form, you don’t put the masu.
So just り For other ending verbs (to write, to sing, to play, etc.) you change ‘u’ into ‘I’ and put ます
E.G. く (to write) ―>きます   but instead of ます  you put にく.

So to say you go somewhere to write:
Recap: -Iru/eru ending verbs: <Verb>る ―> にく = To go to <verb> For other ending verbs, change ‘u’ into ‘I’ and put にく。

What about making this formal? りに
To go borrow Becomes: りにきます
You only change the last verb bit into it’s masu-form, so from く to きます.
Do NOT say 借りますに行きます! <―― That’s wrong and it’s just a mess.
If you want to put something extra, just conjugate the いく bit.

For example, you could say:

<Verb> に きたい Want to go to <verb>

I want to go to the library to borrow a book.

You can also say something like “I have to go to the library to borrow a book”. If you need a refresher on how to say “have to” in Japanese, rewatch this video or check this article.

Quick recap: く (to go) ―>  かなきゃ (have to go)

I have to go to the library to borrow a book.


Instead of “have to go borrow”, you can say “have to go return”

  • To return something = something を かえ
  • To return a book = 本をかえ
  • 本を返す ―>   本を返し + に行く
I will go to the library to return a book.
I have to go to the library to return a book.

Let’s see some examples with other verbs

 I will go to the restaurant to eat dinner.

Formally: レストランにばんはんべにきます。


I’m going to an izakaya (Japanese style pub) to drink
I’m going to Japan to study Japanese.
I want to go to Japan to study Japanese.
I want to go to Russia to see a ballet.
I went to Japan to see my friend.

You can also use the ために construction that I mentioned earlier:

 I went to Japan (in order) to see my friend.

However, this is less common and the only reason you would use this ために construction instead of に行く is if you really want to put emphasis on the purpose of the trip.

I hope this construction was not too difficult.

Basically you just need to say: <Place> に <verb> + に 行く

If you want to practice this construction, come up with your own sentences and leave them down below :)


Japanese teacher on Youtube / Twitch Streamer / Pikachu Collector / Otaku

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